Polish Studies Newsletter

Article / interview



On the 15th and 16th of November an international conference on Miron Białoszewski's Memoir from the Warsaw Uprising was held, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the book's publication. The organisers of the event were the Scientific Center of Polish Academy of Sciences in Paris and the Institute of Literary Research as represented by Piotr Sobolczyk; the French partner of the conference was the University of Lille as represented by Anna Synoradzka. All the papers were presented in French.

okładka "Annales" vol. 22

On the first day of the conference also a debate on the translations of Memoir took place, hosted by Synoradzka and Sobolczyk, and with two exceptional guests, Luca Bernardini (translator to Italian) and Erik Veaux (translator to French). On the second day there was an hommage to Hanna Konicka, professor at Sorbonne University who published a monograph on Białoszewski in French, and co-translated with Veaux Białoszewski's poems; Konicka died in 2021. The proceedings from the conference in French have just been published in the Annales of the Scientific Center and are available here: https://paris.pan.pl/fr/project/annales-vol-22/ 

One can find there papers by Agnieszka Karpowicz, Tadeusz Sobolewski, Piotr Sobolczyk, Piotr Seweryn Rosół, Katarzyna Lisowska, Adam Poprawa, Paweł Rodak, Luca Bernardini and Anna Sobolewska. Polish versions of these papers will be published in "MiroFor", a yearly dedicated to Miron Białoszewski and created by the Institute's Piotr Sobolczyk alongside with Agnieszka Karpowicz from the Institute of Polish Culture, Warsaw University. Two volumes of this yearly are already available (2020 and 2021 respectively), and the third will be dedicated entirely to Memoire and edited by Joanna Niżyńska, Adam Poprawa and Piotr Sobolczyk.  


Piotr Sobolczyk

Badacz literatury, tłumacz, pisarz i poeta. Absolwent polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, gdzie się doktoryzował. Autor publikacji Dyskursywizowanie Białoszewskiego. Teoria recepcji i recepcja krytycznoliteracka (2013) i Dyskursywizowanie Białoszewskiego. Dyskursy literaturoznawstwa naukowego i szkolnego (2014) oraz książki komparatystycznej Tadeusza Micińskiego podróż do Hiszpanii (2005), rozpraw, esejów i recenzji krytycznych. Stypendysta Fundacji na rzecz Nauki Polskiej.    

Added on:
1 February 2022; 14:39 (Mariola Wilczak)
Edited on:
1 February 2022; 14:44 (Mariola Wilczak)

See also


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