ThatCamp TRIPLE “Discovering Discovery: Envision your ideal ecosystem for exploring research resources”
Over the course of the project (2019-2023), TRIPLE will host three ThatCamp events, bringing together people who have an interest in Open Science in the social sciences and humanities (SSH): researchers, universities and other research institutions, publishers, libraries and Open Access repositories, but also non-academic groups such as IT experts, public authorities and policy makers, media, SMEs, NGOs and citizens.
ThatCamp stands for “The Humanities And Technology Camp”. It is a so-called unconference based on the BarCamp concept: an open, agile and spontaneous meeting where participants learn and work together by engaging in group discussions, co-working sessions or other forms of collaborative work. People engage with each other to “create, build, write, hack, and solve problems” (https://thatcamp.org/about/index.html).
It’s also non-hierarchical, non-disciplinary and inter-professional: from students to post-docs, from university librarians to research platform developers, from national government representatives to research policy makers on a European level – a variety of perspectives will enrich the discussions on Open Science in the social sciences and humanities.
At an unconference there are no designated presenters, no spectators, and all perspectives are equally valued. What you will also not find are prepared, monologuing presentations, papers, demonstrations or workshops. At the TRIPLE ThatCamps it is the participants themselves who set the agenda by proposing topics important to them in the weeks leading up to the event and deciding on the sessions on the day of the ThatCamp. The breakout sessions are organised by topic and led by one of the participants.
Each TRIPLE ThatCamp will address a specific overarching theme which relates, for instance, to Digital Humanities, discovery technologies, scientific communication, societal impact of research in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) or internationalisation of research.
If you want to learn more about ThatCamps, click here and here.
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See also
TRIPLE International Conference "Empowering Discovery in Open SSH"
Tematem przewodnim będzie wielojęzyczna platforma do przeszukiwania informacji naukowych – GoTriple, powstająca w ramach projektu TRIPLE, realizowanego przy udziale konsorcjum OPERAS.
Ewaluacja / otwarte seminarium Centrum Humanistyki Cyfrowej (online)
Spotkanie odbędzie się za pośrednictwem platformy ZOOM. (Link do wydarzenia jest **tutaj**).
XI Open Access Week: Taking Action to Build Structural Equity and Inclusion
Openness can be a powerful tool for building more equitable systems of sharing knowledge. Rebuilding research and scholarship to be open by default presents a unique opportunity to construct a foundation that is fundamentally more equitable. Yet today, structural racism, discrimination, and exclusion are present and persistent in places where openness is a core value. As a global community, it is important to understand that the systems and spaces of the present are often built upon legacies of historic injustice and that addressing these inequities is a necessity.
OPERAS Conference “Opening up Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe: From Promises to Reality”
The OPERAS conference aims at being a discussion hub in which different players such as researchers, decision makers, publishers and librarians e.g. can share and compare their take on the current scholarly communication system and their vision for a sustainable future.