The Project OPERAS-P - The Kick-Off Meeting
The project OPERAS-P will be funded by the European Commission in the Horizon 2020 framework for 24 month with approximately 2 million Euros. OPERAS-P (Open Scholarly Communication in the European Research Area for Social Sciences and Humanities – Preparation) project will support the development of OPERAS, the European Research infrastructure for open scholarly communication in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH).

As part of this development OPERAS-P will address the necessary requirements with three objectives: supporting OPERAS application to the ESFRI roadmap, start the implementation of innovative services, and support the expansion of the consortium. In parallel, this work will enable OPERAS to be a legal entity as an AISBL incorporated in Brussels. The consortium of the infrastructure currently consists of nine core group members and 40 partners in 16 countries. 16 partners of the infrastructure will work together in the project OPERAS-P. The Kick-Off Meeting will take place at October 1st and 2nd in Warsaw, Poland.
The preparation of the infrastructure will entail implementing a network of services supporting researchers needs, supporting outreach, and supporting advocacy and innovation in the open scholarly communication ecosystem. It is the aim to ensure the outreach and advocacy for open scholarly communication in the SSH. The implementation of innovative services will address the development of a transnational access to publication services, based on the adoption of common standards, the interoperability between publishing services and bridging towards the EOSC portal.
The main services that will be developed in the project are:
- Transnational Access to publication services
- Redevelopment of DOAB as a central service to ensure the discoverability of open access books and delivering global certification for research funders and libraries
- Structuration of OPERAS catalog of services built from past (HIRMEOS) and current (TRIPLE) projects.
Focusing on the innovative practices and models emerging in the field of scholarly communication in the SSH, there are strategies to address data FAIRification, bibliodiversity, innovate business models for OPERAS members, and the future of scholarly writing.
The project has a consortium of 16 partners from 11 European countries:
- CNRS (Huma-Num and OpenEdition) – FR
- Coimbra University – PT
- EGI – NL
- EKT – EL
- Max Weber Stiftung – DE
- Unito – IT
- Open Book Publisher – UK
- UniZd – HR
- Universite du Luxembourg – LUX
- X-Officio – SWE
- University of Milano-Bicocca – IT
- Lexis – IT
OPERAS-P will be coordinated by Pierre Mounier (Open Edition), coordinator of OPERAS.
(source: https://operas.hypotheses.org/2774, by Judith Schulte · 11/09/2019)
See also
OPERAS Conference “Opening up Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe: From Promises to Reality”
The OPERAS conference aims at being a discussion hub in which different players such as researchers, decision makers, publishers and librarians e.g. can share and compare their take on the current scholarly communication system and their vision for a sustainable future.
Shaping new ways to open the book. A workshop of the HIRMEOS project
The HIRMEOS project (High Integration of Research Monographs in the European Open Science infrastructure), a project of the OPERAS research infrastructure (operas-eu.org) is organizing a workshop at the ELPUB conference in Marseille on 2 June on the topic of "Shaping new ways to open the book".
TRIPLE International Conference "Empowering Discovery in Open SSH"
Tematem przewodnim będzie wielojęzyczna platforma do przeszukiwania informacji naukowych – GoTriple, powstająca w ramach projektu TRIPLE, realizowanego przy udziale konsorcjum OPERAS.
PUBMET2020 / The 7th Conference on Scholarly Communication and Publishing in the Context of Open Science
We welcome you to take part in PUBMET2020 conference, which strives to present and discuss the plurality of approaches to the scholarly communication, scholarly publishing and assessment (metrics). It will present innovative approaches, best practice discussions and take on future challenges. (http://pubmet.unizd.hr/pubmet2020/)