Polish Studies Newsletter


Date of the event: 12.12.2019 - 14.12.2019
Added on: 21.11.2019

Knowledge and friendship. 90 Years of Polish Studies at the "Sapienza"

Zapraszamy na jubileusz 90-lecia polonistyki na Uniwersytecie „La Sapienza”!

Sapienza University of Rome

Polish Institute of Rome

Polish Academy of Sciences in Rome

Event organized by the Chair of Polish language and literature (“Sapienza”, University of Rome), in collaboration with “Sapienza” University of Rome, the Faculty of Humanities, the Department of European, American and Intercultural Studies, the Library of foreign languages and literature, “Roma Sapienza” Foundation, Unitelma Sapienza, the Polish Institute of Rome, the Polish Academy of Sciences - Library and Study Center in Rome, and under the patronage of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Rome, MSSP International Association of Polish Studies, AIS Italian Association of Slavic Studies, AIP Italian Association of Polish Studies.

THURSDAY December 12th

AULA MAGNA of the "Sapienza" University of Rome, Main Campus (piazzale Aldo Moro 5)

6.30 pm Piano concert by Szymon Nehring (organized by: Sapienza CREA, National Chopin Institute in Warsaw, Polish Institute of Rome, IUC). Music by Fryderyk Chopin

FRIDAY December 13th

AULA PROIEZIONI-MAGNA, Sapienza - University of Rome, "Marco Polo" building (Circonvallazione Tiburtina 4)

9.00 am-1.00 pm  SEMINAR: The Esau complex: "minor" and "major" languages, cultures and literatures?

Lectures by:

Luigi Marinelli (Polish literature), Languages, Cultures, Literatures and Lentils

Annalisa Cosentino (Czech and Slovak literature), Kafka’s “Shifted Eye”. On Minor Matters

Riccardo Capoferro (English literature), The Island of Novels and the European Archipelago

Simone Celani (Portuguese and Brazilian literature), A metade do tudo. On Languages and the Complex of Parity

Emilia Di Rocco (Comparative Literature), Petrarch in Dorset

Isabella Tomassetti (Spanish literature), On the First Castillian Petrarchism

Camilla Miglio (German literature), Writing in German from/on the Margin

Valerio Cordiner (French Literature), The Minor Families of France: Jews, Protestants and Socialists in M. Barrès

Angela Tarantino (Romanian literature), Minor Identities: to Be/Not to Be Romanian at the Beginning of XXth century

Barbara Ronchetti (Russian literature), Major and Minor Russia

Francesca Terrenato (Dutch literature), A Dark Golden Age: Netherland’s Course.

FRIDAY December 13th

AULA PROIEZIONI-MAGNA, Sapienza - University of Rome, "Marco Polo" building (Circonvallazione Tiburtina 4)

1.15 pm  Opening of the Exhibition and Presentation of the catalog “Knowledge and friendship: 90 years of Polish studies at the Sapienza University”, edited by Alessandra Mura (Library of foreign languages and literature, “Sapienza” University of Rome).


Polish Institut of Rome, via Vittoria Colonna 1

16.00-19.00 WORKSHOP: “Polonistica & Co.”. Polish studies in Italy and their contexts today

Lectures by:

Magdalena Popiel (UJ Cracow  – President of MSSP), Polish Studies in the world today

Marina Ciccarini (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”), Polish Studies and History of Literature

Marcello Piacentini (University of Padua), Polish Studies and Philology

Lucyna Gebert (Sapienza University of Rome), Polish Studies and Linguistics

Andrea Ceccherelli (Alma Mater Studiorum Bononia), Polish Studies and Translation

Gabriele Mazzitelli (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”), Polish Studies and Bibliography


Polish Institut of Rome, via Vittoria Colonna 1

19.30 Short documentary film: “Love what you do and do what you love. A conversation with Sante Graciotti” by Luigi Marinelli, directed and edited by Cristian Scardigno (produced by the Polish Institute of Rome).


Polish Academy of Sciences, Rome, Vicolo Doria 2

9.30-13.00 WORKSHOP: “Polonistica & Co.”. Polish studies in Italy and their contexts today

Lectures by:

Giovanna Brogi (University of Milan), Polish Studies and Area Studies

Emiliano Ranocchi (Universuity of Udine), Polish Studies and History of Thought

Luca Bernardini (University of Milan), Polish Studies and Postcolonial Studies

Lorenzo Costantino (Polish Institute Rome), Polish Studies and Cinema

Giulia Olga Fasoli (Sapienza University of Rome), Polish Studies and Theatre

Alessandro Amenta (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”), Polish Studies and Gender Studies

Laura Quercioli (University of Genua), Polish Studies and Jewish Studies

Paolo Morawski (Foundation J.M.Umniastowska- Rome),  Polish Studies and History

Monika Woźniak (Sapienza University of Rome), Polish Studies in Italy and Italian Studies in Poland.


AULA MAGNA of the "Sapienza" University of Rome, Main Campus (piazzale Aldo Moro 5); AULA PROIEZIONI-MAGNA, Sapienza - University of Rome, "Marco Polo" building (Circonvallazione Tiburtina 4); Polish Institut of Rome, via Vittoria Colonna 1; Polish Academy of Sciences, Vicolo Doria 2
Key words:
Added on:
21 November 2019; 22:20 (Sylwia Pikula)
Edited on:
26 November 2019; 11:10 (Mariola Wilczak)

See also


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