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- DHOx2020 ONLINE EVENT: Registration now open
- Sommerschule "Polish as a World Language"
- Open Day at the Anthropos Doctoral School
- International European School of Warsaw
- The Doctoral School of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
- A few questions about… the ANTHROPOS Doctoral School
- CLARIN Café II: How to use CLARIN in (online) higher education (VIRTUAL EVENT)
- The School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners
- Seminarium "Comparative Approaches to 21st-Century Anglophone Holocaust Literature"
- Noc Czasopism i Wydawnictw Polonistycznych
- V International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Professionalism of the Teacher within Educational Innovations”
- Nabór artykułów do czasopisma "Perspektywy Kultury"
- Jewish Studies and Jewish Theology / II polsko-niemiecka konferencja dla młodych naukowców
- Bar-Ilan University stands with students, lecturers, researchers, and academic staff from Ukraine with special assistance
- Word in Education. Moral Upbringing through Arts and Literature / IVth International Congress