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- OASPA Online Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing 2020
- Kremenets Comparative Studies
- Special Issue in English, A Selection of the Decade
- Borderlands of the Slavonic Region at the Turn of 20th and 21st Centuries. Language–Society–Culture–Identity
- A few questions about… the ANTHROPOS Doctoral School
- "Wielogłos": Call For Papers “Disability in Literary Studies”
- Zaproszenie do publikacji w nowym numerze rocznika „Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo”
- Our Everyday Identity – International Interdyscyplinary Conference
- Podejście kognitywne w onomastyce
- Henryk Sienkiewicz in the digital age - a webinar with Prof. Bartlomiej Szleszynski / in cooperation the Kosciuszko Foundation and the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- A Rocker Professor
- Piąte urodziny Centrum Humanistyki Cyfrowej IBL PAN - wręczenie nagród w konkursie Publikuj.dr, prezentacja projektów CHC i dyskusja panelowa nt. Domesticating the Digital: How to Make Digital Humanities a Part of Everyday Scholarly Life?
- Ewaluacja / otwarte seminarium Centrum Humanistyki Cyfrowej (online)
- Towards Reusability and Reproducibility of Research: A Scalable Workflow for Research Software Archival with CORE and Software Heritage
- DHOx2020 ONLINE EVENT: Registration now open