Search results
- 'Cat in the Wet Grass' by Kornel Filipowicz – between reading and translation
- Modern tools for promoting didactic and research activities of the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Polish Philology at the Faculty Of Humanities of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.
- "The Professionalism of the Teacher: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects" - call for papers
- East European Dissent between Agenda & Legacy
- Księgozbiory, biblioteki, wydawnictwa i twórcy podczas konfliktów zbrojnych i politycznych. Stan badań i perspektywy badawcze
- Text as the Next Frontier: Text Mining, NLP, and the Future of the Humanities / The tenth Lecture on Digital Humanities
- Kurs "Przeżyj przygodę z językiem polskim w Gdańsku"
- Słucham, rozumiem, działam (Listen, Understand, Act). Extension of Foreigners’ Language Competencies in Order to Prevent Social and Professional Alienation
- "Wielogłos": Call For Papers “Disability in Literary Studies”
- Our Everyday Identity /International Conference
- On passions, sensitivity and valuable generations – an interview with Prof. Katarzyna Węgorowska
- Research Visits for Ukrainian Scholars at IBL PAN
- OPERAS launches “Beyond Covid-19”: Call for participation
- Poetyki nie(po)rozumienia. Kulturotwórczy potencjał zakłóceń w komunikacji artystycznej / Poetics of (Mis)understanding: Culture-Making Potential of Interference in Artistic Communication
- Sustainable and FAIR Data Sharing in the Humanities: Recommendations of the ALLEA Working Group