Search results
- InScriptum: A Journal of Language and Literary Studies - nowe czasopismo Instytutu Literaturoznawstwa i Językoznawstwa Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
- InScriptum: A Journal of Language and Literary Studies
- Polish philology - undergraduate (full-time) studies
- Between clarity and fuzziness. Investigating the concept of meaning in linguistic, literary and philosophical contexts / 5th Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature
- Reassessing Communism. Concepts, Culture, and Society in Poland, 1944-1989
- Digital Humanities 2020
- XXVIII Scientific Readings / International Scientific Conference
- „Humanistyka cyfrowa". Studia doktoranckie Instytutu Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk i Polsko-Japońskiej Akademii Technik Komputerowych
- Language Support Consultancy
- Modern tools for promoting didactic and research activities of the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Polish Philology at the Faculty Of Humanities of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.
- 8th World Congress „Borderlands (Pogranicza)”
- Digital Humanities Awards
- Kurs "Język polski i kultura polska"
- Estetyka ucieleśniona w przekładzie opisów krajobrazu – wyjazd konsultacyjny