Search results
- Science: Polish Perspectives 2018 Oxford
- Spotkanie polskiej diaspory naukowej w Oksfordzie
- Sommerschule "Polish as a World Language"
- A History of Polish Literature
- 'Cat in the Wet Grass' by Kornel Filipowicz – between reading and translation
- University of Cambridge, Department of Slavonic Studies
- The Polish Educational Society
- Modal Adverbs in English and Polish
- Stanley Bill
- Polish Institute of Advanced Studies
- Knowledge and friendship. 90 Years of Polish Studies at the "Sapienza"
- The Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarship Programmes
- Dutch Loanwords in contemporary Polish
- International Congress of the Polish Language and Culture
- A Comparative Study of Phonological Adaptations of Anglicisms in Czech and in Polish Since the 1990s