Search results
- Architectural Literary Studies
- The Staszic Palace as Affective Heterotopia: New Category of Spatial Description
- Literaturoznawstwo architektoniczne. Miejsce i tożsamość (The architectural literary studies: place and identity)
- GRANASLAVIC 2019, "Jornadas Andaluzas de Eslavística”
- His Master's Voice 4th Annual Symposium – Utopias, dystopias, and ecotopias
- International Conference "Neobaroque and/in the Contemporary World"
- Narratology Today – Contemporary Theories (and Practices) of Narrative
- FAIR Heritage: Digital Methods, Scholarly Editing and Tools for Cultural and Natural Heritage (virtual meeting)
- Joanna Głogowska, Miasto-labirynt, powieść-labirynt – kategoria labiryntowości w Katedrze Marii Panny w Paryżu Wiktora Hugo i Pachnidle Patricka Süskinda
- Art in the Places of Death. An interview with Prof. Halina Taborska
- Polish Studies and the challenges of the modern world