Artificial Intelligence in Sciences and Arts. Chances and dangers
We invite experienced researchers and PhD students to apply to participate in PUNO’s V International Interdisciplinary Academic Conference. This event aims to unite young researchers worldwide to explore and discuss AI’s educational opportunities and challenges. Participants can present a paper or a poster showcasing their research and findings related to the conference theme. We encourage you to submit your abstract for consideration.

We look forward to receiving applications until 18.05.2023 from a variety of academic disciplines, including but not limited to the areas listed below:
- The impact of emerging technologies on education.
- AI-driven creativity: Exploring the potential of AI in artistic expression and innovation
- AI-mediated communication and collaboration tools.
- Collaborative learning and social interactions in AI-enabled environments
- AI in music composition and performance: Blurring the line between human and machine-made
- Evaluating the effectiveness of AI-based tools and interventions
- Governing AI in science and art
- Data privacy, security, and ethical considerations in AI-driven education.
- Ethical use of AI-generated insights and predictions.
- and other topics related to science and art
Registration form: https://forms.office.com/e/sj9tjWX8a9
Academic Committee:
• Prof. Elżbieta Perzycka - Borowska (University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland
and Polish University Abroad, London, United Kingdom)
• Prof. Grażyna Czubińska (Polish University Abroad, London, United Kingdom)
• Prof. Karina Banaszkiewicz, (University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland)
• Prof. Eunika Baron- Polańczyk, (University of Zielona Góra, Zielona Góra,
• Dr Wanyenda Chilimo (Technical University of Mombasa, Kenya)
• Dr Aleksander Cywiński (University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland and Polish
University Abroad, London, United Kingdom)
• Prof. Rosita Deluigi (University of Macerata, Macerata, Italy)
• Dr Krzysztof Łuszczek (University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland)
• Prof. Helena Elias (University of Lisbon Faculty of Fine Arts, Lisbon, Portugal)
• Dr Lidia Marek (University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland)
• Prof. Sławomir Nasuto (Reading University, Reading, United Kingdom)
• Dr Priscilla Nyawira Gitonga (Kenyatta University, Kenyatta, Kenya)
• Dr Justyna Gorzkowicz (Polish University Abroad, London, United Kingdom)
• Prof. Jarek Janio (Santa Ana College, Santa Ana, United States of America)
• Dr Agnieszka Barbara Jarvoll (Nord University, Nesna, Norway)
• Prof. Barbara Kromolicka (University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland)
• Prof. Aleksandra Łukaszewicz Academy of Arts, Szczecin, Poland)
• Prof. Ramon Felix Palau Martin (University of Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona, Spain)
• Prof. John Mugubi (Kenyatta University, Kenyatta, Kenya)
• Prof. Stephen Muoki (Pwani University, Kilifi, Kenia)
• Dr Ornat Turin (Gordon College of Education, Haifa, Israel)
• Prof. Sidey Myoo (Jagiellonia University, Kraków, Poland)
• Prof. Jakub Petri (Jagiellonia University, Kraków, Poland)
• Prof. Wojciech Walat (University of Rzeszow, Rzeszów, Poland)
• Prof. Jan Zalasiewicz (Leicester University, Leicester, United Kingdom)
• Prof. Anna Zembala (Catholic University of Applied Sciences of North Rhine,Köln, Germany)
Organising Committee
- Prof. Elżbieta Perzycka (University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland; Polish University Abroad, Londyn, United Kingdom)
Deputy Chairs
- Małgorzata Witkowska, M.A., MBA(Polish University Abroad, London, United Kingdom)
- Dorota Hrycak-Krzyżanowska, M.A. (Polish University Abroad, London, United Kingdom)
Administration office
e-mail: june.conference@puno.ac.uk
Media Group
- Agnieszka Gapińska, M.A. (Polish University Abroad, London, United Kingdom)
- Jarosław Solecki, M.A. (Polish University Abroad, London, United Kingdom)
- Małgorzata Witkowska, M.A., MBA(Polish University Abroad, London, United Kingdom)
Text edition/Contact with media
- Dorota Hrycak-Krzyżanowska, M.A. (Polish University Abroad, London, United Kingdom)
- Katarzyna Karita, M.A. (Polish University Abroad, London, United Kingdom)
- Michał Parchimowicz , M.A. (Polish University Abroad, London, United Kingdom)
In the framework of project: UE Funding, No: 101086391; Grant programme: HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-SE
Grant title: Communities and Artistic Participation in Hybrid Environment - CAPHE
UKRI Funding, No: EP/X038572/1; Grant offer: Research Grant, Other JeS Guarantee Calls
See also
Polish University Abroad and Institute of Pedagogy, University of Szczecin invite to London, on 12th May 2019, to the international conference. The purpose of the conference is to develop a platform for interdisciplinary discussion on the recognition and understanding of human activities in the dynamically developing world of science, education and culture, initiated with PhD seminar meetings at Polish University Abroad in London.
Human Beings and the Challenges of the Contemporary World
Citlali Rovirosa-Madrazo, in Living on Borrowed Time (2010), argued that“an opportunity to consider and change our situation, to try to understand the path that has led us here, and to think about what we can do to change the direction in which we are going. A crisis can open-up a genuine opportunity for us to gain ‘new knowledge’ and to chart new frontiers of cognition with real consequences for the course of future inquiry and discussion.” Today, after another global meltdown, there are new challenges but also opportunities to formulate the world. It is worth looking at the statements of academic researchers, writers, artists, creators of culture. We invite sociologists, psychologists, epidemiologists, historians, managers, literary and cultural scholars to join the discussion. The rich conference programme is available in the attachment.
Fourth International Communication Styles Conference
Communication Styles conference is the fourth in the series of biannual conferences which were initiated in 2013 and took place in Krosno in Poland. So far the conferences have a publication record with a collection of articles entitled Culture’s Software: Communication Styles (Cambridge Scholars 2015), a special issue of the Styles of Communication journal (9:1; 2017) and an issue of Tertium Linguistic Journal (3.1; 2018).
Literaturoznawstwo architektoniczne. Miejsce i tożsamość (The architectural literary studies: place and identity)
Jak sensy wpisane w przestrzeń mogą wpływać na jej zagospodarowanie? W jaki sposób władza wykorzystuje semantykę miejsca, by oddziaływać na społeczeństwo? Czy literaturoznawstwo może pomóc w rekonstrukcji doświadczania przestrzeni w danym okresie historycznym oraz, w jaki sposób metamorfoza miejsca staje się elementem walki mentalnej? Próbę odpowiedzi na tak postawione pytania, a także rozważania nad „architekturą wyobrażoną”, która staje się nośnikiem tożsamości (np. w sytuacji podtrzymywania jej poza granicami kraju) podejmą badacze reprezentujący różne dyscypliny i ośrodki naukowe.