Polish Studies Newsletter

Research project

Added on: 26.11.2019

The status of translation in the polistystem of peripheral children’s literature: A comparison of Italian and Polish literatures

Faculty of Letters UWr (Lead institution)

Nr projektu NN103398740



Komitet Badań Naukowych
Added on:
26 November 2019; 13:06 (Mariola Wilczak)
Edited on:
26 November 2019; 13:06 (Mariola Wilczak)

See also


Modern tools for promoting didactic and research activities of the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Polish Philology at the Faculty Of Humanities of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.

The integrated project "Modern tools for teaching and research activities of the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Polish Philology at the Faculty Of Humanities of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw" (No. PPI / NPZ / 2018/1/00065) assumed a series of activities based on the cooperation of Partners and synergy of their potentials. The idea of ​​the project was to use modern digital marketing strategies and interdisciplinary tools to promote the scientific and didactic activities of IBL PAN, IFP WNH UKSW and - ultimately - other Polish and foreign Polish studies included in the framework of "Geopolonistics", created according to the idea of ​​prof. Magdalena Popiel (president of the International Association of Polish Studies).


"Geopolonistyka" - the virtual bridge between cultures

"Geopolonistyka" is a story about the history of research on the Polish language and literature, about the institutions engaged in didactics and Polish studies, about the people who practiced this research and created the conditions for its development. It is a story about their work in institutions and about students - possibly future researchers and didacticians of the Polish language. The narrators of this story are researchers, didacticians and students. They tell the story in the form of recorded statements, made films, and documentary studies. Each of them contributes to building a narrative about Polish studies in the world, about the study of Polish language and literature, about the value of learning Polish.


Estetyka ucieleśniona w przekładzie opisów krajobrazu – wyjazd konsultacyjny

Dr Beata Piecychna z Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku (Wydział Filologiczny) badać będzie, w jaki sposób człowiek rozumie i przetwarza język na przykładzie tłumaczenia literackich opisów krajobrazów. Interesuje ją proces ucieleśnienia doświadczenia estetycznego, czyli to, jakie reakcje wywołuje ono w układzie sensomotorycznym i postrzeżeniowym odbiorcy przekładu. Najważniejszą częścią projektu jest wyjazd naukowy do prestiżowego Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics we Frankfurcie nad Menem i konsultaje z Prof. Winfriedem Menninghausem (The Department of Language and Literature) oraz Prof. Davidem Poeppelem (The Neuroscience Department), którzy prowadzą pionierskie studia z pogranicza kognitywistyki, neurolingwistyki, percepcji multisensorycznej i estetyki.


Unveiling the Heritage: Krystyna Bednarczyk (1923–2011) – Polish Poet and Co-Founder of Poets and Painters' Press in London

The project of the Union of Polish Writers Abroad in London, implemented mainly by the Research Center on the Legacy of  Polish Migration (ReCeLPM), goes beyond the academic aspect. Its aim is not only to deepen knowledge of the emigrant legacy of Krystyna Bednarczyk and the London-based Poets and Painters' Press, but also to promote cross-generational and intercultural dialogue between Poles living abroad and the local community. An essential part of the project is to raise awareness of ethnic minority identity and the role of women in culture and society.

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