Polish Studies Newsletter

Research project

Added on: 12.05.2021

TRIPLE (Targeting Researchers through Innovative Practices and multiLingual Exploration)


The European Commission will finance the project TRIPLE (Targeting Researchers through Innovative Practices and multiLingual Exploration) under the Horizon 2020 framework with approx. 5,6 million Euros for a duration of 42 months. TRIPLE will be a dedicated service of the OPERAS research infrastructure and will become a strong service in the EOSC marketplace. TRIPLE will help social sciences and humanities (SSH) research in Europe to gain visibility, to be more efficient and effective, to improve its reuse within the SSH and beyond, and to dramatically increase its societal impact. Work is expected to start this fall.

TRIPLE, the European discovery solution, addresses these issues: it enables researchers to discover and reuse SSH data, but also other researchers and projects across disciplinary and language boundaries. It provides all necessary means to build interdisciplinary projects and to develop large-scale scientific missions. It will thus increase the economic and societal impacts of SSH resources.

TRIPLE develops a full multilingual and multicultural solution for the appropriation of SSH resources. The TRIPLE platform will provide a 360° discovery experience thanks to linked exploration provided by the Isidore search engine developed by CNRS and a coherent solution providing innovative tools to support research (visualisation, annotation, trust building system, crowdfunding, social network and recommender system). TRIPLE imagines new ways to conduct, connect and discover research; it will promote cultural diversity inside Europe; it will support scientific, industrial and societal applications of SSH science; it will connect researchers and projects with other stakeholders: citizens, policy makers, companies, enabling them to take part in research projects or to answer to some of their issues.

The project has a consortium of 18 partners from 12 European countries:

TRIPLE will be coordinated by Suzanne Dumouchel (Huma-Num), Co-coordinator of OPERAS and DARIAH Partnerships and Public Affairs Officer.



program Horyzont 2020
Added on:
12 May 2021; 17:51 (Mariola Wilczak)
Edited on:
12 May 2021; 17:58 (Mariola Wilczak)

Related to the project


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How does a provider service get onboarded and listed on the EOSC marketplace? / webinar

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ThatCamp TRIPLE “Discovering Discovery: Envision your ideal ecosystem for exploring research resources”

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Job offer

Specjalist(k)a ds. otwartej nauki

Oferujemy  ciekawą  pracę  w  jednej  z  najlepszych  jednostek  naukowych  w  kraju (kategoria A+), na stanowisku zakładającym sporą samodzielność i inwencję. Stanowisko specjalisty/specjalistki ds.  otwartej  nauki  obejmuje pracę na styku dwóch jednostek organizacyjnych  Instytutu Badań Literackich PAN:  Centrum  Humanistyki  Cyfrowej  i Wydawnictwa IBL, oraz reprezentowanie ich w kontaktach z partnerami zagranicznymi.

See also


Unveiling the Heritage: Krystyna Bednarczyk (1923–2011) – Polish Poet and Co-Founder of Poets and Painters' Press in London

The project of the Union of Polish Writers Abroad in London, implemented mainly by the Research Center on the Legacy of  Polish Migration (ReCeLPM), goes beyond the academic aspect. Its aim is not only to deepen knowledge of the emigrant legacy of Krystyna Bednarczyk and the London-based Poets and Painters' Press, but also to promote cross-generational and intercultural dialogue between Poles living abroad and the local community. An essential part of the project is to raise awareness of ethnic minority identity and the role of women in culture and society.


Shaping Interdisciplinary Practices in Europe (SHAPE-ID)

The Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw) is one of the Partners in the ‘Shaping Interdisciplinary Practices in Europe’ (SHAPE-ID) project which has been awarded funding of €1.5m through European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. SHAPE-ID is the answer to the challenges of the modern world which ought to be approached through interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research. The project will produce practical recommendations for the European Commission. These will be concerned with transdisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity in research, especially in social sciences and humanities. SHAPE-ID is coordinated by Trinity College, Dublin. Other partners institutions are based in Holland, Scotland, Switzerland and Italy.


Women Writers Route

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Norwid in Great Britain

Cyprian Norwid proved to be an unexpected challenge - and call - to Polish literature and culture. Despite more than a century of reading and interpretation, he has not been fully defined as a man and an artist; moreover, in many respects he is still an enigma to us. The focus of our interest remains, broadly speaking, three perspectives that show Norwid as a man, an artist and an emigrant.  

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