Search results
- Książki, publikacje, czasopisma – tradycje, nowoczesność, przyszłość
- Text as the Next Frontier: Text Mining, NLP, and the Future of the Humanities / The tenth Lecture on Digital Humanities
- A Lyrical Poet as a Political Writer. The Captive Mind by Czeslaw Milosz - A talk by Prof. Bozena Shallcross and Prof. Andrzej Karcz
- “The Skamandrites” in digital reality
- V International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Professionalism of the Teacher within Educational Innovations”
- How to Facilitate Cooperation between Humanities Researchers and Cultural Heritage Institutions. Guidelines
- The Project OPERAS-P - The Kick-Off Meeting
- Retoryka doradzania - XV Konferencja PTR
- CoHLIT-21 German Seminar / March 9-10, 2022 (Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Berlin)
- Polish History Seminar at the Polish Univeristy Abroad in London
- Reassessing Communism. Concepts, Culture, and Society in Poland, 1944-1989
- Zaproszenie do publikacji - Zazwierzęcenie. O zwierzętach w literaturze i kulturze
- Stacja Literatura po godzinach i finał projektu Biblioteka z poezją w Gdańsku
- Research in the Arts, the Arts in Research
- Literature and Realities. The 11th Conrad Festival