Search results
- Gender, Generations, and Communism in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond
- Literaturoznawstwo architektoniczne. Miejsce i tożsamość (The architectural literary studies: place and identity)
- Quest for Form. The international conference of the series "Poetry Translation – Negotiating of Imagination"
- International Conference "Convention and Revolution. Life writing by women in the 1800s and 1900s: archives, critiques and methods"
- The Doctoral School of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
- Generosity of Narrative: Wiesław Myśliwski – A lecture by Dr. Agnieszka Kramkowska-Dąbrowska
- Convention and Revolution: Life writing by women in the 1800s and 1900s: archives, critiques and methods
- Dorota Masłowska’s Provinces- A lecture by Prof. Katarzyna Czeczot
- The Holocaust in 21st-Century Children’s, Young Adult and Adult Literature. New Comparative Perspectives
- “The Skamandrites” in digital reality
- Varieties of Meaning and Content / The third "Context, Cognition and Communication"
- "Native Language in the XXI Century - System, Education, Perspectives" (in Memory of Professor Michał Jaworski)
- Cultural Literacy in Europe. Second Biennial Conference
- Inscription.Periodical on Occasional and Applied Literature
- Spojrzenie z ukosa ... Russian Culture and Literature in Polish Magazines 1918-1939 (