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- The Bourgeois Public Discusses Art II: Arts and their Publics in Central Europe Between Regional and European Centres
- Wokół humanistyki: Początek
- Polacy w Odessie i na ukraińskim wybrzeżu Morza Czarnego. Historia - dziedzictwo - współistnienie wielokulturowej wspólnoty miasta
- V International Forum on Teacher Education ‘Developing Teacher Competence: Key Issue and Values’
- Between clarity and fuzziness. Investigating the concept of meaning in linguistic, literary and philosophical contexts / 5th Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature
- Between clarity and fuzziness.Investigating the concept of meaning in linguistic, literary and philosophical contexts / 5th Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Culture
- Our Everyday Identity /International Conference
- The Catholic Reformation and the Book
- Generosity of Narrative: Wiesław Myśliwski – A lecture by Dr. Agnieszka Kramkowska-Dąbrowska
- Inscripton. An Anthology 1
- International Hybrid Conference "The Environmental Tour in the Study of Children's and Young Adult Literature. Reading – Experiences – Emotions. Books for Children and Young Adults – Theory and Practice of Reception (VI)
- „Jesteśmy wszędzie i nigdzie”. Twórczość literacka, translatorska, krytycznoliteracka i naukowa Andrzeja Buszy / Ogólnopolska konferencja naukowa
- Słowiańska frazeologia gwarowa II
- Knowledge and friendship. 90 Years of Polish Studies at the "Sapienza"