Search results
- Dipartimento di Lettere Lingue Arti. Italianistica e Culture comparate
- Wydział Literatury i Języków Obcych (Dipartimento di Lingue e letterature straniere e culture moderne)
- Sommerschule "Polish as a World Language"
- International Congress of the Polish Language and Culture
- The Polish Educational Society
- The Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarship Programmes
- Kurs "Język polski i kultura polska"
- Schulz and imaginative spaces by Eliza Kącka / Polish Literary Culture Series: Digital Lectures Part I
- Literaturoznawstwo architektoniczne. Miejsce i tożsamość (The architectural literary studies: place and identity)
- Spojrzenie z ukosa ... Russian Culture and Literature in Polish Magazines 1918-1939 (
- 'Cat in the Wet Grass' by Kornel Filipowicz – between reading and translation
- Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa "50 Shades of Popular Culture"
- Comics in Culture/Culture in Comics
- University of Cambridge, Department of Slavonic Studies