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- Essays Commemorating Szmul Zygielbojm
- Polish Science Contact Agency PolSCA
- Games and Playing as Entertainment, Education and Art
- A few questions about… the ANTHROPOS Doctoral School
- The fifteenth edition of the Science Promoter competition
- A Comparative Study of Phonological Adaptations of Anglicisms in Czech and in Polish Since the 1990s
- Księgozbiory, biblioteki, wydawnictwa i twórcy podczas konfliktów zbrojnych i politycznych. Stan badań i perspektywy badawcze
- International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ElPub) 2019 "Academic Publishing and Digital Bibliodiversity" / Conférence ELPUB 2019: bibliodiversité et publication de livres numérique
- Literackie i nieliterackie obrazy nie(pełno)sprawności. Konteksty – konwencje – refleksje
- Kremenets Comparative Studies
- Keywords
- Postgraduate Contemporary Editing Study at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (CSWU)
- Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa "50 Shades of Popular Culture"
- The Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarship Programmes