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- Stypendium dla polskich humanistów w Kanadzie
- „Logopaedica Lodziensia”. Tom 1
- „Pamiętnik Literacki”, TOM LXI/2021
- Interaction of Languages and Cultures in Europe: Border and Contact Areas
- Call for papers for the third issue of “Dzieciństwo. Literatura i Kultura” (“Childhood: Literature and Culture”)
- „Jesteśmy wszędzie i nigdzie”. Twórczość literacka, translatorska, krytycznoliteracka i naukowa Andrzeja Buszy / Ogólnopolska konferencja naukowa
- Games and Playing as Entertainment, Education and Art
- His Master's Voice 4th Annual Symposium – Utopias, dystopias, and ecotopias
- The Polish University Abroad in London
- In the language we can find everything that concerns us - conversation with Dr. Dorota Szagun
- Nagroda Literacka Miasta Gdańska Europejski Poeta Wolności dla Moniki Herceg i Aleksandry Wojtaszek
- V International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Professionalism of the Teacher within Educational Innovations”
- The Bourgeois Public Discusses Art II: Arts and their Publics in Central Europe Between Regional and European Centres