Search results
- HERA Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe
- Text as the Next Frontier: Text Mining, NLP, and the Future of the Humanities / The tenth Lecture on Digital Humanities
- Protest, Rebellion, Nonconformity. Historical, Social and Cultural Contexts
- Towards Culture(s) of Dialogue? Communicating Unity in/and Diversity through Language and Discourse / International Conference IADA 2020 / Discourse, Dialogicity & Dialogue (DDD)
- OPERAS Conference “Opening up Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe: From Promises to Reality”
- Art in the Places of Death. An interview with Prof. Halina Taborska
- Księgozbiory, biblioteki, wydawnictwa i twórcy podczas konfliktów zbrojnych i politycznych. Stan badań i perspektywy badawcze
- Wykład prof. Marianne Bjelland Kartzow „The Ambiguous Memory of Biblical Women: An Intersectional Approach to Sacred Texts” / spotkanie z cyklu „Duchowość kobiet”
- 5th "Andalusian Slavic Studies Workdays" International Conference
- Sapienza University of Rome
- The Polish Educational Society
- Międzynarodowe projekty badawcze w obszarze nauk humanistycznych i społecznych CHANSE
- “I got imprisoned for rock and roll”: Andrzej Stasiuk and the Literature of Periphery – A lecture by Dr. Krzysztof Gajewski / in cooperation the Kosciuszko Foundation and the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- How to Facilitate Cooperation between Humanities Researchers and Cultural Heritage Institutions. Guidelines
- From Artes liberales to Artes digitales: Ukrainistyka & Slawistyka / międzynarodowe seminarium interdyscyplinarne