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- 10th birthday of CHC
- Imagination, Imaginativeness, Expression and Creation in the Old and Contemporary Culture
- The Art of Editing – from Analogue to Digital (call for papers)
- XI Open Access Week: Taking Action to Build Structural Equity and Inclusion
- “The Skamandrites” in digital reality
- Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa "50 Shades of Popular Culture"
- Norwid in Great Britain
- Much more than infrastructure: working together to connect research
- Expanding Beyond Borders: Fictional Worlds, Transmedial Universes, Fan Communities
- Polacy w Odessie i na ukraińskim wybrzeżu Morza Czarnego. Historia - dziedzictwo - współistnienie wielokulturowej wspólnoty miasta
- Protest, Rebellion, Nonconformity. Historical, Social and Cultural Contexts
- The Catholic Reformation and the Book
- Specjalist(k)a ds. otwartej nauki
- Unveiling the Heritage: Krystyna Bednarczyk (1923–2011) – Polish Poet and Co-Founder of Poets and Painters' Press in London
- The Culture of Neural Networks. Synthetic Literature and Art in (Not Only) the Czech and Slovak Context