Search results
- Interaction of Languages and Cultures in Europe: Border and Contact Areas
- Modern tools for promoting didactic and research activities of the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Polish Philology at the Faculty Of Humanities of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.
- OPERAS Conference “Opening up Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe: From Promises to Reality”
- Stypendia DigiHum
- 4th Annual Conference in Games and Literary Theory
- OPERAS business models survey on open access books
- V International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Professionalism of the Teacher within Educational Innovations”
- X Międzynarodowy Tydzień Otwartej Nauki w Instytucie Badań Literackich PAN
- ThatCamp TRIPLE “Discovering Discovery: Envision your ideal ecosystem for exploring research resources”
- Elektroniczna edycja ksiąg sądowych powiatu kaliskiego 1587-1593
- On "Geopolonistyka" at the University of Grodno
- 8th World Congress „Borderlands (Pogranicza)”
- Visuality from Intercultural Perspectives. Technology of Images in Communication, Art and Social Sciences
- Research in the Arts, the Arts in Research
- Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures