Search results
- Schulz and imaginative spaces by Eliza Kącka / Polish Literary Culture Series: Digital Lectures Part I
- Inscripton. An Anthology 1
- Gesture and Speech in Interaction / The 5th GESPIN Conference
- Ekologia w dyskursie, 3 edycja
- Modal Adverbs in English and Polish
- A History of Polish Literature
- GENESIS – CRACOW 2019. Genetic Criticism: from Theory to Practice
- Post-doc* w zakresie literaturoznawstwa
- Podyplomowe "Gender Studies" (w 2019/2020 - XII edycja)
- Stypendium dla polskich humanistów w Kanadzie
- Research Visits for Ukrainian Scholars at IBL PAN
- More After More. Utopias & Dystopias 1516-2016
- Seminarium dr Katarzyny Szopy "Luce Irigaray: etyka różnicy płciowej"
- Webinarium 21st-Century Literature and the Holocaust
- Seminarium "Comparative Approaches to 21st-Century Anglophone Holocaust Literature"