Polish Studies Newsletter

Research project

Obelisk na placu Saskim w Warszawie
Added on: 01.04.2019

Architectural Literary Studies


Bertrand Westphal’s definition of geocriticism and its further developments were the starting point of the “Architectural Literary Studies” project. Research activities proposed in reference to it involved literary research analysis that could be used by other disciplines dealing with transformations of the urban space. It was important, firstly, to inquire about interdisciplinarity (and its limitations), understood as a method adapted by a researcher who uses concepts and theories from other disciplines, and, secondly, to try to develop a transdisciplinary research model based on collaboration within a multidisciplinary team. A 14-person research group analysed two Warsaw squares: Piłsudski Square and Parade Square (Plac Defilad).

The project brought experienced humanities researchers together with architects who designed key objects in Warsaw and other cities. The confrontation of various viewpoints led to identifying both a common ground and important differences between contrasting approaches. It resulted in proposing a theoretical framework that would include various disciplines. The clash of different cognitive models was crucial here. It led to the creation of a multiauthored publication written by experts in literary studies, cultural studies, sociology, architecture, urban studies and various fields of history, including Warsaw studies, bibliology and history of technology. The published version will include a scheme explaining the research model behind it.

At the same time the Grant Coordinator is also pursuing individual research. She is preparing a monograph devoted to theoretical questions: the place of literary studies within technical sciences, the concepts of transdisciplinarity, new humanities, or engaged humanities (and how it is rooted in the past). She also describes the attempts to work with the musical quality of literature and to use the premise of musical piece in a literary thesis.

The work follows the European guidelines and it is directed at social needs. Analysis of transformation of specific places becomes part of the decades-long discussion about use of the two squares. The research tasks completed so far and the ongoing events (public debates around the issues of planning and using Piłsudski Square and Parade Square) support the assumptions made in 2015 when the project application was first completed. There are plans to continue humanistic analyses (based in IBL PAN) which will tackle the questions of how to manage spaces marked with political and ideological meanings, which make any decisions difficult.

The following publications will be published in 2019:

  • Humanistic reflection in urban planning, edited by Aleksandra Wójtowicz, Jacek Paulinek (IBL PAN Publishing House, Warsaw);
  • Aleksandra Wójtowicz, Architectural Literary Studies (IBL Publishing House, Warsaw);
  • A multiauthored publication by 14 researchers about Piłsudski Square and Parade Square (Plac Defilad) and the transdisciplinary research model (IBL PAN Publishing House, Warsaw);
  • A website for the project, prepared together with Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center affiliated to the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The Team consists of: Prof. Marek Budzyński (architect), Krystyna Ilmurzyńska (urban planner, Warsaw University of Technology), Prof. Bohdan Jałowiecki (sociologist of space, EUROREG, University of Warsaw), Ryszard Mączewski (Warsaw studies historian, Warszawa1939.pl Foundation), Krzysztof Mordyński (historian, University of Warsaw Museum), Dr. Anna Kronenberg (culture scholar specialising in geopoetry, University of Lodz), Dr. Dawid Maria Osiński (literary scholar, Institute of Polish Literature, University of Warsaw), Jacek Paulinek (bibliology expert, IBL PAN), Dr. Igor Piotrowski (culture and literary scholar, Urban Studies Team Coordinator at Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw), Dr. Andrzej Skalimowski (Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences), Prof. Bolesław Stelmach (architect, Director of National Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning), Prof. Zbigniew Tucholski (technology historian, Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences), Dr. Aleksandra Wójtowicz (literary scholar, IBL PAN). Prof. Wojciech Tomasik (literary scholar, Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz) participated in the writing and discussions about chapters of the multiauthored publication (2017-2018). Dr. Marek Ostrowski (University of Warsaw), Katarzyna Rdzanek and Jarosław Zieliński (Warsaw studies historian) took part in the review of research methods and meetings about main aims of the Project at its earlier stage.

Grant Coordinator: Dr. Aleksandra Wójtowicz


Narodowy Program Rozwoju Humanistyki MNiSW (nr 0176/NPRH4/H2a/83/2016)
Added on:
1 April 2019; 19:18 (Mariola Wilczak)
Edited on:
30 November 2019; 21:39 (Mariola Wilczak)

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Konferencja naukowa "Refleksja humanistyczna w planowaniu przestrzennym"

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See also


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