Polish Studies Newsletter

Research project

Added on: 17.10.2021

Norwid in Great Britain

Historia i teoria sztuki, sztuki plastyczne, kultura wizualna | Krytyka i interpretacja literacka | Metodyka i dydaktyka nauczania literatury i języka, glottodydaktyka, kultura języka | Nauki filologiczne | Literaturoznawstwo

Cyprian Norwid proved to be an unexpected challenge - and call - to Polish literature and culture. Despite more than a century of reading and interpretation, he has not been fully defined as a man and an artist; moreover, in many respects he is still an enigma to us. The focus of our interest remains, broadly speaking, three perspectives that show Norwid as a man, an artist and an emigrant.


The aim of this interdisciplinary project, carried out by the Union of Polish Writers Abroad (ZPPnO) and the Polish University Abroad (PUNO), is to explore a reconnaissance of the reception of Cyprian Norwid's work in the UK. The study will cover the influence of the poet's legacy on émigré artists after the Second World War and at present, with a particular focus on the Polish community in London. The research team will focus on various aspects of the presence of Norwid's writings and his visual art works among émigré artists.
The main research methods used during the project are: case study, archival research and research into the reception of Norwid's works in the Polish community (interviews, questionnaires, qualitative mixed methods research, holistic method). In addition, the project envisaged incorporating elements of digital humanities and a didactic and social component as forms of action research.

The launch of the project in 2021 coincided with the 200th anniversary of the poet's birth and the celebration of the Norwid Year in Poland, which supports the integration of the London and Polish research community.

Main project tasks:

➤ undertake individual research in the scope defined by the project by team members

➤ organisation of an international scientific conference (in cooperation with the University of Warsaw)

➤ exhibition of Norwid sketches in the virtual 3D Blue Point Art Gallery

➤ organisation of cultural and social events for the Polish community based on Norwid's work

➤ realisation of short films on Norwid in London

➤ meetings with young people on the work of the Poet

➤ publications collecting and publicising the results of project research (monographic, multi-author editions)


Source of funding:The De Brzezie Lanckoronski Foundation (London, GB, DBLF/2021/22)




The De Brzezie Lanckoroński Foundation
Grażyna Czubińska

Her work in the areas of public health and education encompasses sexology, family counselling, and court mediation, including the initiation of a crisis centre in London to assist individuals and partners in resolving marriage and family problems. Among her research interests are the use of emerging technologies, such as VR, for remote learning.

Research Centre established at the Union of Polish Writers Abroad in London (ZPPnO),
ORCID: 0000-0001-5993-536X

Added on:
17 October 2021; 11:48 (Justyna Gorzkowicz)
Edited on:
6 July 2024; 14:07 (Justyna Gorzkowicz)

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